
Sunday 30th March
10:30am - 11:30am -
10:30am - 11:30am -
Tuesday 1st April
7:30pm - 9:00pm -
Thursday 3rd April
7:30pm - 9:00pm -
Sunday 6th April
10:00am - 11:00am -


Welcome to Kippen and Norrieston Churches' webpages. 

Please take your time to explore and we look forward to welcoming you soon. 


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Our Key Priorities

Five Marks of Mission 

WITNESS to Christ's saving, forgiving, reconciling love for all people

BUILD welcoming, transforming communities of faith

STAND in solidarity with the poor and needy

CHALLENGE violence, injustice and oppression, and work for peace and reconciliation

PROTECT, care for and renew life on our planet


Pastoral Care

If you know of anyone who is ill at home or in hospital, please speak to or call our Minister or fill in the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Minister - Rev. Ellen Larson-Davidson - Tel 01786 871249



Kippen and Norrieston Guild

“Let Us Build a House”  -  “Sure Foundations”

Whose we are and Whom we serve

The Church of Scotland Guild is a movement within the Church of Scotland which invites and encourages both women and men to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and enables them to express their faith in worship, prayer and action.

You are invited to join us in 2025 on;

12th February - 2.00pm at Kippen Church, Fore Road - Beverley Clarke  “Bats are Brilliant”

12th March - 2.00pm at Norrieston Church Hall, Thornhill - Claire Burns  “SSPCA National Wildlife Rescue Centre, Fishcross”

World Day of Prayer    

Friday, 7th March 2025 Aberfoyle

For more information please contact Joanna McPhail by emailing joanna.mcphail@btinternet.com or telephone Joanna on 01786 870681.

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Children's Church

Children of all ages are invited to enjoy the planned art and science activities at the front of the church during the Sunday Service in Kippen Church. 

Everyone is invited to stay for refreshments after the service. 



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Read in Peace

Join us every Tuesday evening in Church House, Kippen Church from 7.30 - 9pm to read in peace. Bring along that book you have been meaning to read and never seem to have the time, or if you would like to read the Bible you are welcome to borrow one of ours. Everyone is invited from ages 10 years onwards. 

A hot drink, a slice of cake, and a warm welcome will be waiting for you! Just bring a book!

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For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.
1 Timothy 2:5-6

Building Church

Building Church is an event for children from 4 years and above where we meet to build the stories in the Bible using lego!

It is great fun and parents/guardians are welcome to stay to help build the story we are covering that day. 

Once we have completed the build, everyone is welcome to stay for tea. 

Free to attend. Check the calendar for our next Building Church event. 

Connect Group

Join us in Church House, Kippen Church, 7.30pm - 9pm on Thursday evenings fortnightly, to explore the Bible and see how we can live life according to God's word.

Please see the calendar for our next scheduled meeting. 

All welcome.

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